Using word-of-mouth marketing to grow your business

Aside from your website, email marketing, and social media, a useful and effective marketing tactic is getting others to hype your business up. 

Let’s dive into what I call in my coaching sessions, the “hype squad” method.

Having a hype squad is key to launching a program and starting your business. When you first open your doors, identifying those key people to help lift you up and tell others about your business is key but where do you find them? How many people? What do you do once you identify those folks? What exactly is a hype squad? Why do I need one? 

I will give you a few simple tips on why you should consider a group of individuals to cheer on your business.

Raving Reviews

Word of mouth is everything! If you have a new program or business, you may “open the doors” to not a single customer. 

Having a group of people who support you and rave about what you’re doing is key to keep you motivated and moving forward. 

Being a soloprenuer for almost 5 years, it’s nice to have people who want to see you succeed and see your passions soar into something bigger that makes an impact and money. 

Not only is this going to benefit your confidence, which might be lacking, but it may be beneficial to your marketing.

Finding the Right Hype Girl

Who are your best hype girl candidates? People you already know. 

Let me be clear about who to start with. What I’m not talking about is sliding into the DMs of random people you don’t know, who are your dream clients. I’m talking about the people who believe in you and understand the mission of your business. 

This could be:

  • People in networking groups

  • Your past employers 

  • People you have worked with

  • Friends

  • Family

  • Followers on social media

Starting with those who love you is the best hype you can get!

Now What?

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to help and encourage you to build your own hype squad. 

We’ll go in-depth on the ins and outs of developing your hype squad circle, building relationships with those you’ll eventually want in your circle, and what you need to give your circle of trust to support your business.

This is all leading up to a training happening on Feb 15 at 3:30 pm to get you moving and developing your own Hype Squad to get more reach when it comes to promoting a launch or awareness of your business.

Sign up here and save your seat for the training before it’s filled.