
Social media content ideas for selling your products & services

Selling in your social media feed isn't hard, but many of us don't want to do it because we don't want to come off as slimy or salesy. 

It's important to remember that we need to invite our audience to work with us, which makes selling even more critical. It takes the audience from the friend zone to the buy zone.

How do you balance your weekly social media posts without selling too much?

The general rule in your social media feeds is to sell 20% of the time and use the other 80% to build authority and awareness.

One way to start is to pick a product to concentrate on selling weekly and spread it out through the week. If you're selling a service, such as coaching, spend the week using the other CITES to build momentum, then go in with a sale post after building authority with the audience.

One area to break the 80/20 rule in social media postings are in the Stories feature like on Instagram and Facebook, which goes away after 24 hours. Try serving your audience with tips or authoritative content, then use a call-to-action to work with you by providing a link in the stories to your products, book a call or free guide. 

Here are five ways to sell in your social media feeds:

  1. Types of work you do.

  2. Client glow-ups from the direct messages.

  3. What people get wrong about your industry and how you're different.

  4. What's the main problem that your dream client has that keeps them up at night? How do you solve that?

  5. Client testimonials.

These suggestions above can also be used as blogs.

Best visuals for selling in social media feeds are graphic testimonials, video testimonials from clients, and photography with the client using your products or services.

Are you looking to level up your web and social media content game? Steal my six-week content planning guide and get organized!