Curate your Hype Squad & grow your reach with collaborations

Learn how to grow your sphere of raving fans & build meaningful relationships to catapult your business through social media.

You know the saying, "your vibe attracts your tribe?" In social media and the marketing world, having those who love, support your business, and share your programs and content is easier than you think. Word of mouth is KING.

Instead of saying "Hey Girl" in random DMs, let's identify meaningful relationships you already have and how to work together to expand your reach and theirs as well.

In this masterclass, you'll learn:

  • What a Hype Squad is and why you need this secret weapon

  • Develop a plan to bridge your message and passion on social platforms with partners

  • Tactics for engagement that keeps you top of mind and builds relationships

  • Materials you’ll need to stay on track and move forward with developing your tribe

Class Details

  • February 15, 2022 from 3:30 pm pm on Zoom

  • Each class will be 1.5 hours and Q&A

  • After each class, you’ll receive a workbook to move forward to forge a plan

  • Follow up “Ask Shannon ANYTHING” on February 21 at 4 pm on Zoom

Sign up below to get details in your inbox

Meet Shannon Hinderberger, Shannon Lee Strategy

Hi, I’m Shannon

Meet Shannon, a social media coach who takes small business owners from chaos to calm when it comes to digital marketing. Shannon has been in the digital marketing industry since 1998 and has coached over 100 small business owners on how to stand out online without spending a ton of time. 

Shannon started Shannon Lee Strategy in 2017 and is on a mission to help small business owners become more confident when it comes to staying top of mind and stand out online.