How often should my business post to social media?

“How often should I post on social media, Shannon?”, a popular question that I get asked multiple times at each speaking engagement, webinar, in my DMs -- you name it! People ask this question so often but the answer isn’t the same for everyone and not always black and white. It comes down four key points.

There isn’t a magic formula to posting on social media. If there was one, we’d all be guaranteed amazing results with a click of a button. But, this is simply not true and there would be no need for social media strategists or coaches like myself to help you create a pathway to success. The four key components are Content, Consistency, Community & Confidence.

Creating Content
Let’s start with some content. Developing weekly categories or buckets, as some social media gurus call it, is a great way to stand out in the social media universe. When it comes to your weekly regular content buckets, you’ll want to create them around warming up and attracting your dream audience. 

Think in terms of percentages, 80% educational and 20% promotional. This content could be based on tips, communicating with the customer about your experience with your product or services with testimonials, answering customers' pain points with the solutions or benefits about your products, or sharing your story. 

Be Consistent
Which brings me to our next C, consistency. When you show up week after week with different but similar content, people will take notice. Tip Tuesday, Motivation Monday, Wednesday Wisdom are three weekly categories that I’ve been doing for three years. I’m not the biggest fan of these like I used to be when I started my business but I have experienced an increase in my engagement because I’ve set that expectation that they will be here each week. 

Because the expectation is set, the consistency with my messaging and communication has rewarded me with new clients, speaking engagements, referrals and more! When you stay on top of your content, you will be consistent because these two go hand in hand.

Build a Community
When developing and executing your social media content with consistency, a community starts to naturally form. Your community could be the followers who comment on your posts and direct message you for more information. It’s a give and take, so don’t post and ghost. Posting and ghosting is defined as, you post the content and then do not follow through to stay consistent. Make sure to answer the questions, reply to the comments, like and comment on your community’s posts and spread the love.

Complete Confidence
When you have built the first 3 “C’s”, Content, Consistency, and Community, that momentum comes with a wonderful bonus, confidence! The more you do something, the better you get and the better you feel. Practice makes perfect! Always remember, you’re the master of your own niche, so don’t be afraid to shout that from the rooftops.

Action step: Bit by bit, start to put the four “C’s” in action. This is not an overnight action step, it will require you to commit long-term.