Necessities for Promoting Your Launch or Business

Have a service or product launch that requires some promotion? It’s time to activate your Hype Squad to get the word out.

Providing directions with a swipe file is one of the keys to success. A swipe file is supposed to make things easy for the end user to help promote your product or service.

In this swipe file, you’ll include detailed directions on what to do, copy to use for social media and email, graphics to post, and specific directions on what to share, as well.

When writing copy for social media, make sure you’re aware of character limits for all the networks as they often change.

Same with social media graphics, Google the latest guidelines and create on-brand graphics to help your business stand out on your hype squad’s networks.

For email, sometimes your end user only has enough room for P.S. copy. P.S. copy is that copy that goes in the end of the email as a P.S. Go get creative sentences to bring people in, don’t be afraid to research.

Action item: Block time and work on a swipe file. Work on your graphics, copy for social media and email marketing, and give your Hype Squad all the tools to be successful.