Like-minded People to Add to Your Hype Squad

We’ve covered people you’ve worked with as Hype Squad participants, now let’s talk about other areas of your business or even personal life who may be of influence when it comes to more social media reach on a launch.

One of the fastest ways to get known offline is to networking within groups of your dream clients. Once you’ve been around a while and build relationships within networking groups, it’s OK to ask, “Hey can I get some love on… XYZ?”

Some networking groups, as part of weekly introductions and opening networking will ask if businesses need help with anything.

Don’t be shy… ask away.

Another area many small business shy away from asking is their friends and family members. This often boils down to not wanting to bug those loved ones but trust that your family and friends want your business to succeed so make the ask.

Example: An easy ask are your followers on social media, especially those who comment on your post. I don’t often tell people to get into their DMs but those in your audience who comment are a great first start.

Action item: Grab a piece of paper and let’s write down 10-20 people in your networking groups, family, friends and those on social media you feel could give your business a little buzz and more social media reach.