When to Add Content to Your Website

You’ve taken the plunge and decided to spend time on serving your audience via your website. So the question is... how often should you post on your website? 

Magical Method

Is there really a method to the madness of posts you should write up each month? Yes, but is it manageable for your current workload? 

Let me explain! The least you “should” do is add another keyword rich web content post a week (aka blog). BUT I’m more for quality than quantity in this situation. 

I started out by posting a Tip Tuesday video each week which I then repurpose into other social media posts. A light bulb went on when I was teaching coaching clients about keyword rich content. I could take my video outlines and write up a blog post or two. 

For this method, I’m making video content for social media and a coinciding written post weekly. Since it was important for me to show up and show my face on video, the additional few minutes it takes to write up something for my website was a win-win.

Batch and Block

When adding another marketing task to what might be a full plate, blocking time and batching out content tasks may be your best place to begin.

Find a time on your calendar and block it out to work on these tasks and possibly all your marketing tasks. 

Action Step: Block time and batch create your website content. If you’re clueless on where to start, remember to always serve your audience. What are they asking you about the most? Write down around 6 topics that you could blog/talk about.