Why your personal brand needs video marketing

Why your personal brand needs video marketing


So you want to put your face on video, but you have no idea where you need to start. So I'm going to spend the next several weeks helping women stand out and get visible when it comes to their online marketing. We're going to, I'm going to help you get your face on video, feeling confident and comfortable.

If you don't know who I am, I'm Shannon from Shannon Lee Strategy. I own a small online marketing agency in Bend, Oregon. I also coach women how to be less overwhelmed with their online marketing so they can figure out where they need to be, what they need to do and get to making money.

I have been for two years doing these Tip Tuesday videos every Tuesday and at first I was really scared. I knew I wanted to do them. I would have to say for nine months I watched other people do videos and think, gosh, I should be doing that. I should be putting my face on video. I should be giving people the knowledge, my 20 plus years of marketing knowledge. And I made a decision two years ago, this very month, that every Tuesday I would do at least 60 seconds, 60-second tidbits on marketing that are actionable that you could put into place right now. And I'm going to spend the next several weeks talking about why video is important for your business and why you need to get your face on video and how to feel more comfortable.

So why video? 60% of our population are visual learners. When somebody needs to learn how to do something, where do you think the first place they go is? YouTube or Instagram or searching the web. They go and they learn how to build things, make things, recreate things. Sometimes the hair of Pinterest fails. But 65% of our population are visual learners. And because of video, you can build know, like, and trust. Especially if you're a personal brand, you become relatable, people come back to you.

I'll be out in public and somebody will shout out a tidbit of something they learned from me. Like, "You're the gal that does Tip Tuesdays!" I was getting coffee once at a local restaurant and I was just completely stepped, taken back because somebody recognized me from my videos, as a local expert on online marketing.

The other reason your competition is probably doing videos. So you want to jump on the bandwagon and do videos yourself. I don't want to put the imposter syndrome out there but a lot of you are held back. What they see big gurus doing these things. I'm like, what's already being done, I don't want to do it. Well you are you, and you are not Amy Porterfield or Jenna Kutcher or Sue Zimmerman. You are you and that's what makes you different from everybody else.

Video is great content, not only for your social channels. You can repurpose them and put them on things like Instagram, Instagram stories, Facebook, LinkedIn and but they're also great for your website and for your email marketing and for YouTube which also helps with your SEO.

A lot of you are really hung up on how you sound and things like that. We are going to cover some of those things over the next few weeks. I'm going to talk about what to say, mistakes not to make, the tech side and more. So right now I want you to tell me what is your struggle when it comes to video? I want to make sure I cover that over the next several weeks. I have at least 12 weeks of items I'm going to come talk to you about. But I want to know what do you struggle with when it comes to video?

In the next few weeks, we'll talk about everything video from all of your roadblocks, mistakes to avoid, and a little challenge to baby step your way into making rockstar video content.

If you’re up for the challenge, I’d love it if you joined my Simplify Tribe Facebook Group.
