Using Instagram & Facebook Stories to build video confidence


You want to conquer that fear of getting on video and I'm here to help. It's Shannon with Shannon Lee strategy. I help you be less overwhelmed when it comes to online marketing so you can get comfortable and make more money. And this is our video tip series. Trying to get you to put your face on video. That is one of the things that I get asked about all the time is video, how do I get on video?

And video is exploding right now because of Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories, and so I'm going to give you a few tips when it comes to getting started. And the best place to actually start with video is Instagram Stories or Facebook Stories. Why? It helps you with the length. Sometimes you only have 15 to 60 seconds to get your point across. And so it helps you get the point across in a shorter amount of time.

There's amazing tools and filters. There is another app that's up and coming, Tik Tok, that has even more amazing tools and filters and editing software. But just start with Instagram Stories. And then when you get to be a pro at Instagram Stories and Facebook Stories, head over to Tik Tok. There is some great stuff there.

The other reason why it's a great place to start, they go away in 24 hours, guys. You don't have to see them after 24 hours if you don't want to. You could archive them and put them into highlights, but that's kind of like an Instagram Stories video 2.0 kind of thing to do. When you do send a video to Instagram Stories, make sure you're sending it to Facebook Stories, because people can view that content there, as well, and it's a great way to repurpose. You can also record using Instagram Stories and then download it to your phone and repurpose it for other areas, and I do that a lot in my Facebook group. I'll record a video and then I will then go put it in my Facebook group.

All right. The second part of this, why this is a great place to start, you can watch what others are doing and be inspired. No, not have imposter syndrome, but watch what others are doing and be inspired. No imposter syndrome. Please promise me you will not be like, oh, so and so is doing it, so I can't. You are what makes your content unique. Remember that always.