How often should I post on social media?


If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me how often they should post on social media, I would have been able to retire. NO JOKE.

The answer to this question isn’t black and white. 

You could post 3 days a week on your Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn Feeds and be effective if you’re serving your audience with content they are seeking from you and you’re spending time engaging with your audience too. 

This isn’t a crockpot. You can’t set it and forget it.

Not sure where to start with developing social media or web content your audience wants .. what are you most frequently being asked by clients, potential clients, and your audience? 

There is also the magic wand question I love to ask “If you could wave a magic wand and eliminate your biggest struggle with XYZ, what would it be?


I also have seen those accounts that are super effective with knowing what their dream clients want to post maybe once a week BUT they spend time in the Stories feature on Instagram & Facebook.

There isn’t a magic number. If you’re first starting out, try posting 3 days a week but make sure it’s related to serving your audience.

Work with me! Shannon Hinderberger is a digital marketing coach and consultant who lives in Bend, Oregon. She helps busy small business owners become less overwhelmed with their marketing, streamline and simplify, so they can get back to running their business and make money.