How not to be a jerk in the DMs on social media


Building relationships on social media is the new normal, and it's not going away. You're hearing buzzwords like slide into the DM's, or just DME, but how do you do that without being spammy? I'm here to give you three tips on doing this without being a jerk. I

I often get asked what's the best way to welcome new followers onto my Instagram, LinkedIn, or even my Facebook group? So here are three authentic, real ways to not be spammy. First off, do not message right away. Don't. I usually wait a week and I set aside a time an hour each week to go through my LinkedIn and go through my Instagram direct messages or new followers and direct message them.

The second thing that I do, and this is tip two, personalize that message. Go stalk them, do some digging, learn about what they do, where they spend their time. And in your response, maybe mention something that you saw in their profile or something they posted recently in their Instagram or LinkedIn. And number three, make it about them. Never sell. Never sell anything. If they respond back and say, "It's so great to follow you too. What do you do?" You can answer then, but leave it in their court. The goal is to build a relationship and no one ever booked something from a cold email or call, right? Not me.

Action Step: Set aside 15 minutes each week to welcome new followers. Personalize the message, do some research and make it about them. Do not sell.

Shannon Hinderberger is a social media and digital marketing coach who lives in Bend, Oregon. She works with small business owners on how to grow their business using simple digital marketing strategies so they’re less overwhelmed, get results & save time. 

She has over 20 years in the online marketing space and loves helping business owners make an impact in their business