Why content marketing is key to your online marketing plan


One of the critical elements of Shannon's 3 C's is content. Content is one of those industry jargon words I do not like to use, but for this purpose, I have to use it because there is not another way to describe it.

Content is information directed at your customers that should be educations, answer frequently asked questions and struggles your ideal clients are facing.

There are two types of content paths: Main Content and Social Content. Main Content lives on your website and is often blogs, videos, or podcasts. Since your website is the most important online marketing tool, I usually give Main Content for weight than Social Content.

Main Content on your website helps with search engine optimization too but should also feed into Social Content. Social Content is the graphics, videos, and photos that reflect your Main Content.

Sometimes, small business start with a Social Content focus and then add Main Content down the road. That's all fine to me but remember to add that in eventually.

Content goes hand and hand with the first C, Consistency. When you add in confidence, that's when the magic happens, but we won't talk about that until next week.

My question: What's your focus? Main or Social Content?